Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Divine Nothingness


You Beyond Taste

Who to Whom?

Apr 19, 2015


Living in Love beyond Beliefs


*Andrey Salikov, Morning Prayer. Tibet, Flickr

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God's first language is Silence.
Everything else is a translation.

*Thomas Keating

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In the Silence, I find myself looking for Nothing
Then, even that Look ceases to look

And where are You?
You Whom I sought have disappeared

Since You are Nowhere
Now, I cannot find You anywhere

Since this last Look has dissolved in You
I see, and the seeing is You -
Where do You or I begin?

Neither in nor out - speechless! ... ecstasy -
mind quiet, silence is seen no more

And the sway of Your Love inarticulate
moves over and through me as You - as me?

No division, You and I, and Here, Love, sweet Love
sinks into the Nothingness of Bliss, beyond my taste

So, Love, sweetest Love, if no You or me,
from Where do these words arise? why? from who to whom?

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Divine Nothingness

©Brian Wilcox 2024